We are all busy and with a family life definitely gets chaotic at times. Technology is a great way to get more organised within both your personal and family life. Here are some top tips on how to organise your family with technology.
1. Colour code your Google Calendar
Google Calendar allows you to schedule and colour code events. This allows you to see what you have on for that day from a quick glance. Get the kids to choose a colour and assign one colour to each child or each activity.
2. Share your calendar
Most Google, Outlook and other email providers allow you to share your calendar. Share your calendar with your spouse, baby sitter, teenagers and whoever else may need to know your schedule. You can even set the option for them to just view the calendar or have the ability to add events to your calendar for you.
3. Get the kids involved with ‘Choremonster’
Children love playing games and apps on tablets and phones, but what about an App that actually encourages them to do the household chores? Apps such as Choremonster do just this. You can set up a simple rewards point system based on house hold chores. Your children can then check in to see how many reward points they have and what chores still need to be done.
4. Keep track with ‘Find my Friends’
It can become quite hard to keep track of where your family is. Apps such as ‘Find my Friends’ allows you to keep track of friends and family who invite you to see your location. This way you can know that your family is safe or you can see if they are just running late to meet you or if they have completely forgotten.
5. Create a group list
Most smart phones allow you to create a group list in both your phone and email contacts. This makes messaging your family much easier as you can simply send to the group rather than having to select each person individually.